Project Number Date
ApolloFullRunnerReport apollo-test-2.88 20 lip 2021, 18:16

Feature Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Feature Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
API Transport 169 0 0 0 0 169 41 0 41 1m 18s 371ms Passed
Feature API Transport
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 005ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 276ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_ORDER_IN_TRANSPORT_INCORRECT_VALUES" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 5s 876ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Nieprawidłowe wartości w polu orderInTransport" 007ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 003ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 293ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_ORDER_IN_TRANSPORT_EMPTY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 842ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Brak wartości w polu orderInTransport, pole jest obowiązkowe" 019ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 004ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 288ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_STEP_TYPE_NAME_INCORRECT_VALUES" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 857ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Niepoprawna wartość w polu stepTypeName. Poprawne wartości to: load, unload" 008ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 003ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 252ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_STEP_TYPE_NAME_EMPTY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 769ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Brak wartości w polu stepTypeName, pole jest obowiązkowe" 021ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 002ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 263ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_ORDER_IN_TRANSPORT_INCORRECT_VALUES" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 722ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Nieprawidłowe wartości w polu orderInTransport" 008ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 003ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 245ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_ORDER_IN_TRANSPORT_EMPTY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 688ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Brak wartości w polu orderInTransport, pole jest obowiązkowe" 006ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 002ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 254ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_CODE_INCORRECT" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 711ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Niepoprawny kod kraju" 006ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 002ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 263ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_ADDRESS_EMPTY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 697ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Niepoprawny adres" 011ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 003ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 253ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_ADDRESS_RECIPIENT_EMPTY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 720ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Niepoprawny adres" 006ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 002ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 251ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_ADDRESS_POSTAL_EMPTY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 704ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Niepoprawny adres" 008ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 003ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 283ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_ADDRESS_CITY_EMPTY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 688ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Niepoprawny adres" 008ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 016ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 258ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_ADDRESS_STREET_EMPTY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 733ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Niepoprawny adres" 006ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 008ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 268ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_ORDER_IN_TRANSPORT_INCORRECT_VALUES" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 750ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Nieprawidłowe wartości w polu orderInTransport" 006ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 002ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 260ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_ORDER_IN_TRANSPORT_EMPTY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 706ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Brak wartości w polu orderInTransport, pole jest obowiązkowe" 008ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 255ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_COMPANY_EMPTY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 689ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Niepoprawne dane firmy" 006ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 248ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_WAREHOUSE_EMPTY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 766ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Niepoprawne dane firmy" 009ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 002ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 304ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_QUANTITY_INCORRECT_DATA_TYPE" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 749ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Węzeł quantity musi być poprawną liczbą" 007ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 003ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 286ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_VOLUME_INCORRECT_DATA_TYPE" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 704ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Węzeł volume musi być poprawną liczbą" 007ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 258ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_WEIGHT_INCORRECT_DATA_TYPE" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 723ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Węzeł weight musi być poprawną liczbą" 005ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 246ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_COMPANY_ID_INCORRECT_DATA_TYPE" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 732ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Węzeł musi być liczbą całkowitą" 016ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 237ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_WAREHOUSE_ID_INCORRECT_DATA_TYPE" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 668ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Węzeł musi być liczbą całkowitą" 007ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 002ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 262ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_WAREHOUSE_IDX_INCORRECT_DATA_TYPE" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 700ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Węzeł warehouse.idx musi być liczbą całkowitą" 006ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 249ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_MIN_ADVICE_DATE_INCORRECT_DATA_TYPE" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 691ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Węzeł minAdviceDate musi byd poprawną datą" 006ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 238ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_MAX_ADVICE_DATE_INCORRECT_DATA_TYPE" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 767ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Węzeł maxAdviceDate musi być poprawną datą" 007ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 235ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_ARRIVAL_DATE_INCORRECT_DATA_TYPE" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 678ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Węzeł arrivalDate musi być poprawną datą" 007ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 002ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 247ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_STEP_PACKAGE_TYPES_ID_INCORRECT_DATA_TYPE" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 704ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Węzeł musi być liczbą całkowitą" 007ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 002ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 245ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_STEP_PACKAGE_TYPES_PACKAGE_TYPE_STEP_ID_INCORRECT_DATA_TYPE" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 662ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Węzeł musi być liczbą całkowitą" 013ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 004ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 281ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_NO_ADDRESS_AND_WAREHOUSE_IN_ONE_STEP" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 673ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "W zleceniu wieloetapowym każdy etap musi mieć uzupełniony magazyn lub adres" 006ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 003ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 279ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_DELIVERY_NO_WAREHOUSE_IN_ONLY_STEP" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 564ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
And Check if response message contains "Magazyn jest wymagany w zleceniu jednoetapowym" 005ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 250ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_COMPANY_ID_FILLED_ONLY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 2s 531ms
Then Check if response status code equals "200" 000ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterApiTest() 976ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 268ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_COMPANY_SHORTNAME_FILLED_ONLY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 1s 650ms
Then Check if response status code equals "200" 000ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterApiTest() 629ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 253ms
When Create transport by invalid JSON file "CREATE_LOAD_WAREHOUSE_NAME_FILLED_ONLY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" 1s 520ms
Then Check if response status code equals "200" 000ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterApiTest() 610ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 250ms
And Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 251ms
And Get setting "TRANSPORT_IDENTIFIER_TYPE" for "piast" 228ms
And Prepare setting: "TRANSPORT_IDENTIFIER_TYPE" with value: "ID" with "super-admin-piast" 026ms
When Create transport by JSON file "CREATE_DELIVERY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" and expect status "200" 1s 517ms
Then Login as "super-admin-piast" 8s 313ms
And Check is transport "DELIVERY" created in transport table and set transport id 1s 376ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterApiTest() 712ms
After Hooks.rollbackSettings() 002ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 002ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 256ms
And Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 243ms
And Get setting "TRANSPORT_IDENTIFIER_TYPE" for "piast" 174ms
And Prepare setting: "TRANSPORT_IDENTIFIER_TYPE" with value: "ALT_IDENTIFIER" with "super-admin-piast" 027ms
When Create transport by JSON file "CREATE_DELIVERY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" and expect status "200" 1s 453ms
Then Login as "super-admin-piast" 2s 311ms
And Check is transport "DELIVERY" created in transport table and set transport id 1s 397ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterApiTest() 711ms
After Hooks.rollbackSettings() 000ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 002ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 250ms
And Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 232ms
And Get setting "TRANSPORT_IDENTIFIER_TYPE" for "piast" 160ms
And Prepare setting: "TRANSPORT_IDENTIFIER_TYPE" with value: "ERP_IDENTIFIER" with "super-admin-piast" 030ms
When Create transport by JSON file "CREATE_DELIVERY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" and expect status "200" 1s 396ms
Then Login as "super-admin-piast" 2s 272ms
And Check is transport "DELIVERY" created in transport table and set transport id 1s 371ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterApiTest() 660ms
After Hooks.rollbackSettings() 000ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 002ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 245ms
And Create transport by JSON file "CREATE_DELIVERY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" and expect status "200" 1s 472ms
And Find active transports for api version "v1" and expect status "200" 320ms
Then Check if active transports contains created transport 009ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterApiTest() 660ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 246ms
And Create transport by JSON file "CREATE_DELIVERY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" and expect status "200" 1s 395ms
When Edit transport by API-validation JSON file "EDIT_DELIVERY" as "super-admin-piast" with "none" for api version "v1" 2s 678ms
Then Check if response status code equals "200" 000ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterApiTest() 671ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 275ms
And Create transport by JSON file "CREATE_DELIVERY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" and expect status "200" 1s 407ms
When Edit transport by API-validation JSON file "EDIT_DELIVERY_EMPTY_STEP_TYPE_NAME" as "super-admin-piast" with "none" for api version "v1" 841ms
Then Check if response status code equals "422" 000ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterApiTest() 729ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 237ms
And Create transport by JSON file "CREATE_DELIVERY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" and expect status "200" 1s 412ms
When Edit transport by API-validation JSON file "EDIT_DELIVERY" as "super-admin-piast" with "invalidTransportId" for api version "v1" 350ms
Then Check if response status code equals "404" 000ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterApiTest() 661ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 002ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 275ms
And Create transport by JSON file "CREATE_DELIVERY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" and expect status "200" 1s 357ms
When Edit transport by API-validation JSON file "EDIT_DELIVERY" as "super-admin-piast" with "invalidToken" for api version "v1" 041ms
Then Check if response status code equals "401" 000ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterApiTest() 637ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login by Api as "super-admin-piast" and get token and expect status "200" 273ms
And Create transport by JSON file "CREATE_DELIVERY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" and expect status "200" 1s 439ms
And Verify that custom fields from API are equivalent to custom fields from "CREATE_DELIVERY" as "super-admin-piast" 270ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterApiTest() 636ms