Project Number Date
ApolloFullRunnerReport apollo-test-2.92 23 lip 2021, 09:21

Feature Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Feature Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
Public Api - Statuses confirmation 12 0 0 0 0 12 1 0 1 1m 15s 668ms Passed
Feature Public Api - Statuses confirmation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 034ms
Given Login as "piast-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 8s 776ms
When Create transport by JSON file "CREATE_DELIVERY" as "super-admin-piast" for api version "v1" and expect status "200" 7s 968ms
And Check is transport "DELIVERY" created in transport table and set transport id 1s 386ms
And Click button advice in transport table "DELIVERY" 223ms
And Set advice window in schedule 4s 273ms
And Get inputs from database "CREATE_ADVICE_DELIVERY" "super-admin-piast" 3s 091ms
And Fill advice form 9s 640ms
And Click advice save button and wait for advice form to disappear 34s 663ms
And Find transport in table with status "advice-added" 3s 790ms
And Confirm status by public api "v1" and "super-admin-piast" with "ARRIVAL" in "DELIVERY" 1s 064ms
And Click refresh button on "DELIVERY" 160ms
Then Check if transport has "in-the-area" 628ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 1s 051ms