Project Number Date
ApolloFullRunnerReport apollo-test-2.114 12 sie 2021, 06:02

Feature Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Feature Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
Invitation 524 0 0 0 0 524 58 0 58 28m 33s 740ms Passed
Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "swisskrono-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 2s 922ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 143ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 659ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 768ms
Then Create invitation success alert is displayed 1s 941ms
And Invitation is displayed on list "" 724ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 174ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "piast-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 6s 127ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 108ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 510ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 573ms
Then Create invitation success alert is displayed 1s 330ms
And Invitation is displayed on list "" 716ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 148ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "lantmannen-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 4s 672ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 098ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 514ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 511ms
Then Create invitation success alert is displayed 838ms
And Invitation is displayed on list "" 725ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 145ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "keeeper-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-keeeper" 5s 698ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 103ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 500ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 489ms
Then Create invitation success alert is displayed 1s 057ms
And Invitation is displayed on list "" 751ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 141ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "alrec-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-alrec" 2s 517ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 102ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 502ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 387ms
Then Create invitation success alert is displayed 752ms
And Invitation is displayed on list "" 636ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 182ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 239ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 084ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-skz" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 092ms
And If user is login then logout 211ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-skz" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 728ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-skz" "" 7s 843ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 1s 027ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 161ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 287ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 11s 827ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 382ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 278ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 101ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-piast" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 104ms
And If user is login then logout 251ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-piast" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 426ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-piast" "" 7s 618ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 866ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 162ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 290ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 8s 358ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 037ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 230ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 091ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-lantmannen" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 093ms
And If user is login then logout 252ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-lantmannen" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 749ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-lantmannen" "" 7s 697ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 885ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 178ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 342ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 7s 321ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 916ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-keeeper" 246ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 099ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-keeeper" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 088ms
And If user is login then logout 749ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-keeeper" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 533ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-keeeper" "" 7s 686ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 983ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 159ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 337ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 8s 871ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 074ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-alrec" 249ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 092ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-alrec" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 095ms
And If user is login then logout 271ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-alrec" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 432ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-alrec" "" 7s 645ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 833ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 170ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 340ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 7s 151ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 023ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-pgf" 234ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 090ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-pgf" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 090ms
And If user is login then logout 547ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-pgf" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 116ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-pgf" "" 7s 612ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 816ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 150ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 087ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 6s 676ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 951ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 002ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skd" 236ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 087ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-skd" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 079ms
And If user is login then logout 593ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-skd" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 367ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-skd" "" 7s 595ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 933ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 161ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 309ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 7s 610ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 923ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-hochland" 222ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 088ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-hochland" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 092ms
And If user is login then logout 253ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-hochland" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 2s 452ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-hochland" "" 7s 552ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 907ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 165ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 358ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 11s 920ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 108ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 245ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 092ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-piast" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 098ms
And If user is login then logout 271ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-piast" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 443ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-piast" "" 7s 580ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 819ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 395ms
And Wait "5" seconds 5s
And Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 6s 237ms
Then Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-piast" "" 7s 628ms
And Verify that user is redirected to invitation page "" 992ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 097ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 230ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 089ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-lantmannen" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 091ms
And If user is login then logout 289ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-lantmannen" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 565ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-lantmannen" "" 7s 346ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 750ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 3s 808ms
And Wait "5" seconds 5s
And Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 4s 658ms
Then Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-lantmannen" "" 7s 668ms
And Verify that user is redirected to invitation page "" 904ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 933ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-keeeper" 236ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 089ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-keeeper" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 088ms
And If user is login then logout 276ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-keeeper" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 580ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-keeeper" "" 7s 650ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 923ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 325ms
And Wait "5" seconds 5s
And Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-keeeper" 5s 474ms
Then Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-keeeper" "" 7s 467ms
And Verify that user is redirected to invitation page "" 1s 061ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 027ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 232ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 093ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-skz" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 090ms
And If user is login then logout 262ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-skz" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 626ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-skz" "" 7s 524ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 746ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 297ms
And Wait "5" seconds 5s
And Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 8s 247ms
Then Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-skz" "" 7s 619ms
And Verify that user is redirected to invitation page "" 934ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 037ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-alrec" 257ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 092ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-alrec" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 102ms
And If user is login then logout 253ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-alrec" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 613ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-alrec" "" 7s 457ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 752ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 456ms
And Wait "5" seconds 5s
And Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-alrec" 4s 746ms
Then Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-alrec" "" 7s 570ms
And Verify that user is redirected to invitation page "" 824ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 054ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 002ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 225ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 092ms
And Wait "60" seconds 1m
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-skz" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 1s 467ms
When Get mail "" message from mailgun with "Zaproszenie do nawiązania współpracy" 32s 785ms
Then Check if user got a mail 000ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 262ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 220ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 101ms
And Wait "60" seconds 1m
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-lantmannen" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 1s 534ms
When Get mail "" message from mailgun with "Zaproszenie do nawiązania współpracy" 36s 711ms
Then Check if user got a mail 000ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 159ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 002ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-keeeper" 246ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 093ms
And Wait "60" seconds 1m
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-keeeper" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 1s 860ms
When Get mail "" message from mailgun with "Zaproszenie do nawiązania współpracy" 32s 970ms
Then Check if user got a mail 000ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 159ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-adama" 232ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 091ms
And Wait "60" seconds 1m
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-adama" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 1s 551ms
When Get mail "" message from mailgun with "Zaproszenie do nawiązania współpracy" 33s 036ms
Then Check if user got a mail 000ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 171ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 245ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 090ms
And Wait "60" seconds 1m
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-piast" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 1s 432ms
When Get mail "" message from mailgun with "Zaproszenie do nawiązania współpracy" 37s 871ms
Then Check if user got a mail 000ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 140ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-alrec" 239ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 089ms
And Wait "60" seconds 1m
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-alrec" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 886ms
When Get mail "" message from mailgun with "Zaproszenie do nawiązania współpracy" 32s 868ms
Then Check if user got a mail 000ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 151ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-sempertrans" 231ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 093ms
And Wait "60" seconds 1m
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-sempertrans" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 1s 204ms
When Get mail "" message from mailgun with "Zaproszenie do nawiązania współpracy" 27s 979ms
Then Check if user got a mail 000ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 172ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "super-admin-skz" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 8s 270ms
When Create and accept invitation by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 5s 870ms
And Go to "USERS_TAB" 3s 161ms
And Find user "" 2s 695ms
And Change user details "email" to "" 1s 900ms
And Save user details 2s 898ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 477ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 687ms
Then Verify that invitation can't be sent on already used username 426ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 4s 940ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 002ms
Given Login as "super-admin-lantmannen" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 5s 320ms
When Create and accept invitation by JSON file as "super-admin-lantmannen" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 4s 173ms
And Go to "USERS_TAB" 2s 894ms
And Find user "" 2s 747ms
And Change user details "email" to "" 979ms
And Save user details 1s 304ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 482ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 491ms
Then Verify that invitation can't be sent on already used username 279ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 2s 936ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "super-admin-piast" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 5s 868ms
When Create and accept invitation by JSON file as "super-admin-piast" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 3s 807ms
And Go to "USERS_TAB" 2s 876ms
And Find user "" 2s 718ms
And Change user details "email" to "" 871ms
And Save user details 1s 452ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 533ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 599ms
Then Verify that invitation can't be sent on already used username 373ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 4s 019ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "super-admin-farmacol" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-farmacol" 9s 578ms
When Create and accept invitation by JSON file as "super-admin-farmacol" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 5s 314ms
And Go to "USERS_TAB" 3s 022ms
And Find user "" 2s 759ms
And Change user details "email" to "" 1s 031ms
And Save user details 1s 767ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 515ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 603ms
Then Verify that invitation can't be sent on already used username 496ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 5s 719ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 239ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 086ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-piast" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 102ms
And If user is login then logout 294ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-piast" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 466ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-piast" "" 7s 652ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 263ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 642ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 321ms
Given Login as "super-admin-piast" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 2s 779ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 535ms
Then Go to "ACCEPTED_TAB" invitation status tab 268ms
And Invitation is displayed on list "" 434ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 4s 168ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 239ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 094ms
And If user is login then logout 232ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 258ms
And Get setting "INVITATION_EXPIRATION_INTERVAL" for "piast" 152ms
Then Prepare setting: "INVITATION_EXPIRATION_INTERVAL" with value: "-1d" with "super-admin-piast" by API 187ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-piast" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 450ms
Given Login as "super-admin-piast" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 2s 741ms
Then Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 448ms
And Go to "EXPIRED_TAB" invitation status tab 277ms
Then Invitation is displayed on list "" 457ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 161ms
After Hooks.rollbackSettings() 122ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 230ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 100ms
Then Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-alrec" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 420ms
And Prepare user "piast-admin" details with all notifications and "" by JSON file 1s 381ms
When Login as "piast-admin" 4s 969ms
Then Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 633ms
And Go to invitation details 149ms
Then Reject invitation by button as user 327ms
When If user is login then logout 5s 893ms
Then Login as "super-admin-alrec" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-alrec" 4s 984ms
And Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 519ms
And Go to "REJECTED_TAB" invitation status tab 338ms
Then Invitation is displayed on list "" 475ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 178ms
After Hooks.cleanUserDetailsAfterTest() 1s 352ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "piast-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 5s 233ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 102ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 507ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "PL" 2s 564ms
Then Check content of message about invitation "GUSAlert" 1s 496ms
And If user is login then logout 262ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "piast-admin" "" 7s 499ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 433ms
And Fill tax id registration page "notByJSON" 629ms
Then Verify that user is redirected to registration page 159ms
And Check if data from GUS are automatically completed 2s 276ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 183ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "lantmannen-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 2s 478ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 102ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 524ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "PL" 2s 599ms
Then Check content of message about invitation "GUSAlert" 1s 037ms
And If user is login then logout 253ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "lantmannen-admin" "" 7s 523ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 316ms
And Fill tax id registration page "notByJSON" 576ms
Then Verify that user is redirected to registration page 161ms
And Check if data from GUS are automatically completed 2s 289ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 192ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "keeeper-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-keeeper" 2s 469ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 090ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 530ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "PL" 2s 747ms
Then Check content of message about invitation "GUSAlert" 1s 165ms
And If user is login then logout 251ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "keeeper-admin" "" 7s 452ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 371ms
And Fill tax id registration page "notByJSON" 657ms
Then Verify that user is redirected to registration page 156ms
And Check if data from GUS are automatically completed 2s 270ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 199ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "neuca-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 8s 794ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 099ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 507ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "PL" 2s 703ms
Then Check content of message about invitation "GUSAlert" 1s 960ms
And If user is login then logout 261ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "neuca-admin" "" 7s 544ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 419ms
And Fill tax id registration page "notByJSON" 559ms
Then Verify that user is redirected to registration page 161ms
And Check if data from GUS are automatically completed 2s 277ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 195ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "farmacol-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-farmacol" 8s 449ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 097ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 562ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "PL" 2s 736ms
Then Check content of message about invitation "GUSAlert" 2s 041ms
And If user is login then logout 230ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "farmacol-admin" "" 7s 516ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 403ms
And Fill tax id registration page "notByJSON" 553ms
Then Verify that user is redirected to registration page 163ms
And Check if data from GUS are automatically completed 2s 261ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 184ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 239ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 092ms
And If user is login then logout 15s 083ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-piast" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 389ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-piast" "" 7s 705ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 239ms
And Fill tax id registration page "notbyJSON" 631ms
Then Check if non-compliant NIP message is displayed 2s 070ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 130ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "keeeper-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-keeeper" 2s 611ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 509ms
And Go to create invitation form 264ms
And Fill part of invitation page for existed company in Apollo "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "PL" "null" 1s 826ms
Then Check if company existed in apollo is suggest correctly 818ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "neuca-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 2s 436ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 494ms
And Go to create invitation form 246ms
And Fill part of invitation page for existed company in Apollo "SUPPLIER" "SUPPLIER" "PL" "null" 1s 802ms
Then Check if company existed in apollo is suggest correctly 274ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 000ms
Given Login as "farmacol-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-farmacol" 2s 572ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 461ms
And Go to create invitation form 212ms
And Fill part of invitation page for existed company in Apollo "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "PL" "null" 1s 812ms
Then Check if company existed in apollo is suggest correctly 317ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "neuca-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 2s 364ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 101ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 435ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "PL" 2s 557ms
Then Check content of message about invitation "GUSAlert" 1s 952ms
And If user is login then logout 233ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "neuca-admin" "" 7s 615ms
And Fill tax id registration page "notByJSON" 755ms
And Register to application "CARRIER" 3s 859ms
And Login as "neuca-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 2s 587ms
And Go to "COMPANIES_TAB" 1s 370ms
Then Check if user "neuca-admin" have correct permission to edit data from the GUS 300ms
After Hooks.changeCompanyNIPAndDeleteFromGUSCompanyDatabaseTable() 9s 545ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "super-admin-lantmannen" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 6s 239ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 103ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 488ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "PL" 2s 536ms
Then Check content of message about invitation "GUSAlert" 1s 116ms
And If user is login then logout 274ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-lantmannen" "" 7s 553ms
And Fill tax id registration page "notByJSON" 893ms
And Register to application "CARRIER" 4s 154ms
And Login as "super-admin-lantmannen" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 2s 556ms
And Go to "COMPANIES_TAB" 1s 600ms
Then Check if user "super-admin-lantmannen" have correct permission to edit data from the GUS 1s 382ms
After Hooks.changeCompanyNIPAndDeleteFromGUSCompanyDatabaseTable() 5s 595ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "keeeper-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-keeeper" 7s 850ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 096ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 454ms
And Go to create invitation form 219ms
And Fill part of invitation page for existed company in Apollo "JOIN_COMPANY" "PRODUCER" "null" "" 1s 247ms
Then Check if NIP is not required to inviting to your company 30s 112ms
When Send invitation 204ms
Then Create invitation success alert is displayed 1s 139ms
And Invitation is displayed on list "" 798ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 147ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "neuca-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 10s 291ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 085ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 463ms
And Go to create invitation form 219ms
And Fill part of invitation page for existed company in Apollo "JOIN_COMPANY" "WAREHOUSEMAN" "null" "" 1s 229ms
Then Check if NIP is not required to inviting to your company 30s 097ms
When Send invitation 201ms
Then Create invitation success alert is displayed 1s 826ms
And Invitation is displayed on list "" 817ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 137ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 000ms
Given Login as "farmacol-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-farmacol" 9s 240ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 107ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 561ms
And Go to create invitation form 211ms
And Fill part of invitation page for existed company in Apollo "JOIN_COMPANY" "WAREHOUSE_MANAGER" "null" "" 1s 175ms
Then Check if NIP is not required to inviting to your company 30s 071ms
When Send invitation 212ms
Then Create invitation success alert is displayed 1s 958ms
And Invitation is displayed on list "" 807ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 151ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "keeeper-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-keeeper" 2s 416ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 091ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 519ms
And Go to create invitation form 246ms
And Fill part of invitation page for existed company in Apollo "JOIN_COMPANY" "PRODUCER" "null" "" 1s 213ms
When Send invitation 175ms
Then Create invitation success alert is displayed 1s 074ms
And Check content of message about invitation "ownCompany" 134ms
And Invitation is displayed on list "" 573ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 132ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "neuca-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 2s 359ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 105ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 469ms
And Go to create invitation form 209ms
And Fill part of invitation page for existed company in Apollo "JOIN_COMPANY" "WAREHOUSEMAN" "null" "" 1s 298ms
When Send invitation 156ms
Then Create invitation success alert is displayed 1s 749ms
And Check content of message about invitation "ownCompany" 167ms
And Invitation is displayed on list "" 611ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 136ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "farmacol-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-farmacol" 2s 710ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 095ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 546ms
And Go to create invitation form 260ms
And Fill part of invitation page for existed company in Apollo "JOIN_COMPANY" "WAREHOUSE_MANAGER" "null" "" 1s 290ms
When Send invitation 195ms
Then Create invitation success alert is displayed 1s 905ms
And Check content of message about invitation "ownCompany" 153ms
And Invitation is displayed on list "" 546ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 145ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "keeeper-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-keeeper" 2s 541ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 093ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 570ms
And Go to create invitation form 239ms
And Fill part of invitation page for existed company in Apollo "JOIN_COMPANY" "PRODUCER" "null" "" 1s 086ms
When Send invitation 159ms
Then Verify that wrong mail domain alert is displayed 157ms
When Fill part of invitation page for existed company in Apollo "null" "null" "null" "" 329ms
And Send invitation 141ms
Then Create invitation success alert is displayed 1s 096ms
And Check content of message about invitation "ownCompany" 142ms
And Invitation is displayed on list "" 540ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 143ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "neuca-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 2s 406ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 090ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 468ms
And Go to create invitation form 260ms
And Fill part of invitation page for existed company in Apollo "JOIN_COMPANY" "WAREHOUSEMAN" "null" "" 1s 186ms
When Send invitation 182ms
Then Verify that wrong mail domain alert is displayed 185ms
When Fill part of invitation page for existed company in Apollo "null" "null" "null" "" 347ms
And Send invitation 161ms
Then Create invitation success alert is displayed 1s 704ms
And Check content of message about invitation "ownCompany" 150ms
And Invitation is displayed on list "" 484ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 150ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "farmacol-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-farmacol" 2s 643ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 097ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 507ms
And Go to create invitation form 245ms
And Fill part of invitation page for existed company in Apollo "JOIN_COMPANY" "WAREHOUSE_MANAGER" "null" "" 1s 202ms
When Send invitation 160ms
Then Verify that wrong mail domain alert is displayed 168ms
When Fill part of invitation page for existed company in Apollo "null" "null" "null" "" 404ms
And Send invitation 211ms
Then Create invitation success alert is displayed 1s 978ms
And Check content of message about invitation "ownCompany" 165ms
And Invitation is displayed on list "" 596ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 147ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "piast-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 7s 180ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 094ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 476ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "AL" 2s 551ms
Then Check content of message about invitation "incompatibleNIP" 419ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 174ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "lantmannen-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 4s 911ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 109ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 473ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "AL" 2s 770ms
Then Check content of message about invitation "incompatibleNIP" 313ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 186ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "piast-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 2s 505ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 100ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 460ms
And Go to create invitation form 210ms
And Fill part of invitation page for existed company in Apollo "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "PL" "" 2s 381ms
Then Check if company existed in apollo is suggest correctly 166ms
When Send invitation 132ms
Then Check content of message about invitation "incompatibleNIP" 406ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 173ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 000ms
Given Login as "lantmannen-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 2s 218ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 095ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 427ms
And Go to create invitation form 245ms
And Fill part of invitation page for existed company in Apollo "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "PL" "" 2s 240ms
Then Check if company existed in apollo is suggest correctly 163ms
When Send invitation 197ms
Then Check content of message about invitation "incompatibleNIP" 308ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 189ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-alrec" 233ms
And Prepare user "" details with all notifications and "" by JSON file 1s 650ms
When Login as "neuca-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 2s 395ms
And Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 490ms
And Create invitation for "existing" user "SUPPLIER" "SUPPLIER" "" "PL" 2s 733ms
And Wait "3" seconds 3s
Then Create invitation success alert is displayed 119ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 197ms
After Hooks.cleanUserDetailsAfterTest() 1s 278ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "super-admin-farmacol" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-farmacol" 8s 117ms
When Create company "Farmacol-NEU" with given nip "DE" "12344321123" "Dostawca \ Odbiorca" 5s 741ms
And If user is login then logout 276ms
And Login as "super-admin-neuca" 9s 921ms
And Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 434ms
And Create invitation with given nip "SUPPLIER" "SUPPLIER" "" "DE" "12344321123" 2s 507ms
And If user is login then logout 603ms
And Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-neuca" "" 7s 618ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 19s 195ms
And Wait "4" seconds 4s
And Login as "" 8s 024ms
And User is successfully logged 034ms
After Hooks.deleteCompanyAfterTest() 138ms
After Hooks.deleteInvitationAfterTest() 188ms