Project Number Date
ApolloFullRunnerReport apollo-test-2.125 20 sie 2021, 05:38

Feature Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Feature Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
Auctions Mail 57 0 0 0 0 57 8 0 8 12m 15s 856ms Passed
Feature Auctions Mail
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "adama-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-adama" 4s 942ms
And Prepare user "" details with all notifications and "" by JSON file 1s 201ms
And Create transport "CREATE_TRANSPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 157ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "20000" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 3s 495ms
When Get mail "" message from mailgun with "Nowa aukcja" 5s 402ms
Then Check if user got a mail 000ms
After Hooks.cleanUserDetailsAfterTest() 2s 069ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 772ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "adama-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-adama" 2s 465ms
And Prepare user "" details with all notifications and "" by JSON file 2s 382ms
And Create transport "CREATE_TRANSPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 067ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "1500" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 3s 008ms
And Add a bid "1500" to an auction by JSON file as "" for "super-admin-adama" 1s 310ms
And Add a bid "500" to an auction by JSON file as "" for "super-admin-adama" 1s 890ms
When Get mail "" message from mailgun with "Nie otrzymano zlecenia" 5s 352ms
Then Check if user got a mail 000ms
After Hooks.cleanUserDetailsAfterTest() 2s 139ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 621ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "swisskrono-producer" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 12s 251ms
And Prepare user "swisskrono-producer" details with all notifications and "" by JSON file 2s 514ms
And Create transport "CREATE_SMALLS_IMPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 123ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "1500" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 839ms
And Add a bid "1500" to an auction by JSON file as "" for "" 994ms
And Wait till auction end 1m 57s 016ms
When Get mail "" message from mailgun with "Dodano nową ofertę" 3m 8s 698ms
Then Check if user got a mail 000ms
After Hooks.cleanUserDetailsAfterTest() 2s 355ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 616ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "adama-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-adama" 2s 837ms
And Prepare user "adama-admin" details with all notifications and "" by JSON file 1s 540ms
And Create transport "CREATE_TRANSPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 103ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "1500" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 958ms
And Wait till auction end 1m 58s 016ms
When Get mail "" message from mailgun with "Aukcja zakończona bez ofert" 5s 488ms
Then Check if user got a mail 000ms
After Hooks.cleanUserDetailsAfterTest() 1s 362ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 650ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "adama-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-adama" 4s 920ms
And Prepare user "" details with all notifications and "" by JSON file 2s 344ms
And Create transport "CREATE_TRANSPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 126ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "1500" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 3s 021ms
And Add a bid "1500" to an auction by JSON file as "" for "super-admin-adama" 977ms
And Add a bid "500" to an auction by JSON file as "" for "super-admin-adama" 1s 792ms
When Get mail "" message from mailgun with "Oferta przelicytowana" 37s 239ms
Then Check if user got a mail 000ms
After Hooks.cleanUserDetailsAfterTest() 2s 098ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 616ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "adama-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-adama" 2s 483ms
And Prepare user "" details with all notifications and "" by JSON file 2s 379ms
And Create transport "CREATE_TRANSPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 079ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "1500" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 997ms
And Add a bid "1500" to an auction by JSON file as "" for "super-admin-adama" 1s 002ms
When Get mail "" message from mailgun with "Otrzymano zlecenie" 2m 1s 610ms
Then Check if user got a mail 000ms
After Hooks.cleanUserDetailsAfterTest() 2s 281ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 556ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "adama-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-adama" 2s 538ms
And Prepare user "" details with all notifications and "" by JSON file 2s 315ms
And Create transport "CREATE_TRANSPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 087ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "1500" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 991ms
And Add a bid "500" to an auction by JSON file as "" for "super-admin-adama" 1s 645ms
When Get mail "" message from mailgun with "Otrzymano zlecenie" 5s 182ms
Then Check if user got a mail 000ms
After Hooks.cleanUserDetailsAfterTest() 2s 046ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 602ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-adama" 5s 215ms
And Prepare user "" details with all notifications and "" by JSON file 2s 735ms
And Create transport "CREATE_TRANSPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 107ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "1500" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" and finish of auction in "121" minutes 3s 016ms
When Get mail "" message from mailgun with "Zakończenie aukcji" 25s 981ms
Then Check if user got a mail 000ms
After Hooks.cleanUserDetailsAfterTest() 2s 052ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 666ms