Project Number Date
ApolloFullRunnerReport apollo-test-2.139 31 sie 2021, 05:52

Feature Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Feature Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
Base options of periodic transport - create, edit, delete etc. 70 1 0 0 0 71 5 1 6 17m 9s 637ms Failed
Feature Base options of periodic transport - create, edit, delete etc.
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "neuca-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 9s 056ms
And Set access to periodic advice by API for company "SET_PERIODIC_TRANSPORT" as "super-admin-neuca" 498ms
Given Set "transport" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_DELIVERY" "super-admin-neuca" 000ms
And Go to new transport "DELIVERY" 748ms
And Fill transport form 48s 178ms
And Select option of periodic transport and fill settings "DAILY" 51s 195ms
And Click "save-transport" save button and wait for form to disappear 30s 215ms
Then Set advice window in schedule in "0" days 253ms
And Check is transport created in schedule and set transport id 3s 639ms
And Set week view 3s 055ms
Then Wait "120" seconds 2m
And Refresh page 2s 445ms
Then Check if periodic transport for "DAILY" is created correctly 16s 775ms
After Hooks.deletePeriodicTransports() 3s 290ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "neuca-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 2s 651ms
And Set access to periodic advice by API for company "SET_PERIODIC_TRANSPORT" as "super-admin-neuca" 287ms
Given Set "transport" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_DELIVERY" "super-admin-neuca" 000ms
And Go to new transport "DELIVERY" 769ms
And Fill transport form 47s 970ms
And Select option of periodic transport and fill settings "WEEKLY" 20s 497ms
And Click "save-transport" save button and wait for form to disappear 30s 250ms
Then Set advice window in schedule in "0" days 273ms
And Check is transport created in schedule and set transport id 3s 544ms
And Set week view 3s 303ms
Then Wait "120" seconds 2m
And Refresh page 2s 313ms
Then Check if periodic transport for "WEEKLY" is created correctly 27s 486ms
After Hooks.deletePeriodicTransports() 8s 414ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "neuca-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 2s 526ms
And Set access to periodic advice by API for company "SET_PERIODIC_TRANSPORT" as "super-admin-neuca" 278ms
Given Set "transport" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_DELIVERY" "super-admin-neuca" 000ms
And Go to new transport "DELIVERY" 727ms
And Fill transport form 48s 316ms
And Select option of periodic transport and fill settings "MONTHLY" 19s 554ms
And Click "save-transport" save button and wait for form to disappear 30s 183ms
Then Set advice window in schedule in "0" days 228ms
And Check is transport created in schedule and set transport id 3s 549ms
And Set week view 3s 457ms
Then Wait "120" seconds 2m
And Refresh page 2s 332ms
Then Check if periodic transport for "MONTHLY" is created correctly 23s 941ms
After Hooks.deletePeriodicTransports() 3s 181ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "neuca-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 3s 011ms
And Set access to periodic advice by API for company "SET_PERIODIC_TRANSPORT" as "super-admin-neuca" 245ms
And Create periodic transport "CREATE_PERIODIC_TR" by JSON file as "super-admin-neuca" 2s 007ms
When Go to "WAREHOUSE_TAB" 1s 032ms
And Set week view 2s 486ms
And Select warehouse "Katowice" 5s 397ms
And Open the middle periodic transport form from the schedule view 39s 827ms
Then Change filled value in details "number-of-pallets-step-0" "number" "30" "0" 1s 686ms
And Click save and-close and react on alert "dismiss" 754ms
And Check if rest of periodic transports is react correctly "noEditing" 20s 645ms
After Hooks.deletePeriodicTransports() 4s 167ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "neuca-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 2s 487ms
And Set access to periodic advice by API for company "SET_PERIODIC_TRANSPORT" as "super-admin-neuca" 251ms
And Create periodic transport "CREATE_PERIODIC_TR" by JSON file as "super-admin-neuca" 1s 928ms
When Go to "WAREHOUSE_TAB" 1s 096ms
And Set week view 2s 434ms
And Select warehouse "Katowice" 5s 146ms
And Open the middle periodic transport form from the schedule view 41s 031ms
Then Change filled value in details "number-of-pallets-step-0" "number" "30" "0" 1s 651ms
And Click save and-close and react on alert "accept" 752ms
And Check if rest of periodic transports is react correctly "editing" 21s 170ms
After Hooks.deletePeriodicTransports() 3s 796ms
Scenario Outline Designations of periodic transports
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "neuca-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 2s 660ms
And Set access to periodic advice by API for company "SET_PERIODIC_TRANSPORT" as "super-admin-neuca" 267ms
And Create periodic transport "CREATE_PERIODIC_TR" by JSON file as "super-admin-neuca" 2s 115ms
When Go to "WAREHOUSE_TAB" 1s 044ms
And Set week view 2s 457ms
And Select warehouse "Katowice" 5s 385ms
And Open the middle periodic transport form from the schedule view 40s 296ms
Then Check if designation of periodic transport in transport form is correct 102ms
And Close transport details 15s 418ms
When Go to "TRANSPORT_TABLE" 676ms
And Wait until all periodic transports will be visible in transport table 1s 582ms
Then Check if designation of periodic transport in transport table is correct 2s 074ms
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
	at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
	at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
	at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
	at CucumberTests.Transport.PeriodicTransportTest.checkIfDesignationOfPeriodicTransportInTransportTableIsCorrect(
	at ✽.Check if designation of periodic transport in transport table is correct(file:Features/Atom/Transport/PeriodicTransport/PeriodicTransport.feature:55)
After Hooks.deletePeriodicTransports() 3s 943ms