Project Number Date
ApolloFullRunnerReport apollo-test-2.156 13 wrz 2021, 06:47

Feature Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Feature Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
SK Api - Advice transport 174 0 0 0 0 174 14 0 14 16m 44s 342ms Passed
Feature SK Api - Advice transport
The scenario checks if you can correctly add an advice to the order. After correct creation of the advice, the validity of the advice data on the platform is checked.
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 000ms
Given Login as "swisskrono-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 2s 630ms
And Set "transport" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_CONTAINER" "super-admin-skz" 001ms
And Prepare user "swisskrono-admin" details with all notifications and "" by JSON file 2s 430ms
And Add transport by SKApi in "MGW" assigned to "" 021ms
And Set "advice" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_ADVICE" "super-admin-skz" 000ms
And Check is transport "CONTAINER" created in transport table and set transport id 6s 927ms
When Click button advice in transport table "CONTAINER" 223ms
And Set advice window in schedule 3s 410ms
And Fill advice form 20s 279ms
And Click advice save button and wait for advice form to disappear 18s 312ms
And Go to "TRANSPORT_TABLE" 461ms
And Go to transport details "CONTAINER" 2s 956ms
Then Check are advice values equals 4s 937ms
After Hooks.cleanUserDetailsAfterTest() 2s 362ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 836ms
The scenario checks if you can correctly add an advice to the order. After correct creation of the advice, the validity of the advice data on the platform is checked.
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "swisskrono-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 7s 507ms
And Set "transport" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_OWN_COLLECTION" "super-admin-skz" 001ms
And Prepare user "swisskrono-admin" details with all notifications and "" by JSON file 2s 415ms
And Add transport by SKApi in "MGW" assigned to "" 019ms
And Set "advice" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_ADVICE" "super-admin-skz" 001ms
And Check is transport "OWN_COLLECTION" created in transport table and set transport id 7s 177ms
When Click button advice in transport table "OWN_COLLECTION" 231ms
And Set advice window in schedule 3s 398ms
And Fill advice form 20s 415ms
And Click advice save button and wait for advice form to disappear 33s 224ms
And Go to "TRANSPORT_TABLE" 460ms
And Go to transport details "OWN_COLLECTION" 2s 929ms
Then Check are advice values equals 4s 981ms
After Hooks.cleanUserDetailsAfterTest() 2s 152ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 800ms
The scenario checks if you can correctly add an advice to the order. After correct creation of the advice, the validity of the advice data on the platform is checked.
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "swisskrono-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 7s 196ms
And Set "transport" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_TRANSPORT_ORDER" "super-admin-skz" 000ms
And Prepare user "swisskrono-admin" details with all notifications and "" by JSON file 2s 370ms
And Add transport by SKApi in "MGW" assigned to "" 022ms
And Set "advice" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_ADVICE" "super-admin-skz" 000ms
And Check is transport "TRANSPORT_ORDER" created in transport table and set transport id 7s 351ms
When Click button advice in transport table "TRANSPORT_ORDER" 235ms
And Set advice window in schedule 3s 338ms
And Fill advice form 20s 420ms
And Click advice save button and wait for advice form to disappear 33s 361ms
And Go to "TRANSPORT_TABLE" 470ms
And Go to transport details "TRANSPORT_ORDER" 2s 839ms
Then Check are advice values equals 4s 976ms
After Hooks.cleanUserDetailsAfterTest() 2s 339ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 745ms
The scenario checks if you can correctly add an advice to the order. After correct creation of the advice, the validity of the advice data on the platform is checked.
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "pskza1-carrier" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 8s 399ms
And Set "transport" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_TRANSPORT_ORDER" "super-admin-skz" 001ms
And Prepare user "pskza1-carrier" details with all notifications and "" by JSON file 3s 600ms
And Add transport by SKApi in "MGW" assigned to "" 024ms
And Set "advice" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_ADVICE" "super-admin-skz" 000ms
And Check is transport "TRANSPORT_ORDER" created in transport table and set transport id 6s 896ms
When Click button advice in transport table "TRANSPORT_ORDER" 226ms
And Set advice window in schedule 3s 325ms
And Fill advice form 20s 627ms
And Click advice save button and wait for advice form to disappear 33s 848ms
And Go to "TRANSPORT_TABLE" 478ms
And Go to transport details "TRANSPORT_ORDER" 2s 836ms
Then Check are advice values equals 4s 959ms
After Hooks.cleanUserDetailsAfterTest() 2s 789ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 807ms
The scenario checks if you can correctly add an advice to the order. After correct creation of the advice, the validity of the advice data on the platform is checked.
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "swisskrono-tradesman" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 8s 720ms
And Set "transport" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_TRANSPORT_ORDER" "super-admin-skz" 001ms
And Prepare user "swisskrono-tradesman" details with all notifications and "" by JSON file 2s 464ms
And Add transport by SKApi in "MGW" assigned to "" 024ms
And Set "advice" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_ADVICE" "super-admin-skz" 000ms
And Check is transport "TRANSPORT_ORDER" created in transport table and set transport id 4s 366ms
When Click button advice in transport table "TRANSPORT_ORDER" 209ms
And Set advice window in schedule 3s 434ms
And Fill advice form 20s 424ms
And Click advice save button and wait for advice form to disappear 33s 813ms
And Go to "TRANSPORT_TABLE" 472ms
And Go to transport details "TRANSPORT_ORDER" 2s 890ms
Then Check are advice values equals 4s 984ms
After Hooks.cleanUserDetailsAfterTest() 1s 776ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 832ms
The scenario checks if you can correctly add an advice to the order. After the correct addition of the advice on the platform, the correctness of the data that has been sent to the SK API microservice database is also verified.
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 000ms
Given Login as "swisskrono-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 7s 537ms
And Set "transport" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_OWN_COLLECTION" "super-admin-skz" 001ms
And Prepare user "swisskrono-admin" details with all notifications and "" by JSON file 2s 391ms
And Add transport by SKApi in "MGW" assigned to "" 020ms
And Set "advice" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_ADVICE" "super-admin-skz" 001ms
And Check is transport "OWN_COLLECTION" created in transport table and set transport id 7s 200ms
When Click button advice in transport table "OWN_COLLECTION" 211ms
And Set advice window in schedule 3s 349ms
And Fill advice form 20s 415ms
And Click advice save button and wait for advice form to disappear 33s 258ms
And Go to "TRANSPORT_TABLE" 449ms
Then Check advice data in SK API database "OWN_COLLECTION" 412ms
After Hooks.cleanUserDetailsAfterTest() 2s 131ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 814ms
The scenario checks if you can correctly add an advice to the order. After the correct addition of the advice on the platform, the correctness of the data that has been sent to the SK API microservice database is also verified.
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 000ms
Given Login as "swisskrono-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 7s 321ms
And Set "transport" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_CONTAINER" "super-admin-skz" 001ms
And Prepare user "swisskrono-admin" details with all notifications and "" by JSON file 2s 392ms
And Add transport by SKApi in "MGW" assigned to "" 019ms
And Set "advice" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_ADVICE" "super-admin-skz" 001ms
And Check is transport "CONTAINER" created in transport table and set transport id 3s 958ms
When Click button advice in transport table "CONTAINER" 209ms
And Set advice window in schedule 3s 383ms
And Fill advice form 20s 514ms
And Click advice save button and wait for advice form to disappear 33s 236ms
And Go to "TRANSPORT_TABLE" 394ms
Then Check advice data in SK API database "CONTAINER" 193ms
After Hooks.cleanUserDetailsAfterTest() 2s 262ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 818ms
The scenario checks if you can correctly add an advice to the order. After the correct addition of the advice on the platform, the correctness of the data that has been sent to the SK API microservice database is also verified.
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "swisskrono-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 7s 495ms
And Set "transport" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_TRANSPORT_ORDER" "super-admin-skz" 001ms
And Prepare user "swisskrono-admin" details with all notifications and "" by JSON file 2s 364ms
And Add transport by SKApi in "MGW" assigned to "" 019ms
And Set "advice" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_ADVICE" "super-admin-skz" 000ms
And Check is transport "TRANSPORT_ORDER" created in transport table and set transport id 4s 372ms
When Click button advice in transport table "TRANSPORT_ORDER" 226ms
And Set advice window in schedule 3s 287ms
And Fill advice form 20s 552ms
And Click advice save button and wait for advice form to disappear 33s 381ms
And Go to "TRANSPORT_TABLE" 479ms
Then Check advice data in SK API database "TRANSPORT_ORDER" 092ms
After Hooks.cleanUserDetailsAfterTest() 2s 105ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 834ms
The scenario checks if you can correctly add an advice to the order. After the correct addition of the advice on the platform, the correctness of the data that has been sent to the SK API microservice database is also verified.
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 000ms
Given Login as "pskza1-carrier" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 6s 137ms
And Set "transport" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_TRANSPORT_ORDER" "super-admin-skz" 001ms
And Prepare user "pskza1-carrier" details with all notifications and "" by JSON file 3s 286ms
And Add transport by SKApi in "MGW" assigned to "" 017ms
And Set "advice" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_ADVICE" "super-admin-skz" 001ms
And Check is transport "TRANSPORT_ORDER" created in transport table and set transport id 4s 041ms
When Click button advice in transport table "TRANSPORT_ORDER" 225ms
And Set advice window in schedule 3s 400ms
And Fill advice form 20s 438ms
And Click advice save button and wait for advice form to disappear 33s 323ms
And Go to "TRANSPORT_TABLE" 551ms
Then Check advice data in SK API database "TRANSPORT_ORDER" 092ms
After Hooks.cleanUserDetailsAfterTest() 2s 965ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 822ms
The scenario checks if you can correctly add an advice to the order. After the correct addition of the advice on the platform, the correctness of the data that has been sent to the SK API microservice database is also verified.
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "swisskrono-tradesman" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 7s 613ms
And Set "transport" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_TRANSPORT_ORDER" "super-admin-skz" 000ms
And Prepare user "swisskrono-tradesman" details with all notifications and "" by JSON file 1s 867ms
And Add transport by SKApi in "MGW" assigned to "" 019ms
And Set "advice" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_ADVICE" "super-admin-skz" 000ms
And Check is transport "TRANSPORT_ORDER" created in transport table and set transport id 4s 534ms
When Click button advice in transport table "TRANSPORT_ORDER" 232ms
And Set advice window in schedule 3s 443ms
And Fill advice form 20s 411ms
And Click advice save button and wait for advice form to disappear 33s 798ms
And Go to "TRANSPORT_TABLE" 445ms
Then Check advice data in SK API database "TRANSPORT_ORDER" 268ms
After Hooks.cleanUserDetailsAfterTest() 1s 676ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 803ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "swisskrono-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 7s 411ms
And Set "transport" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_CONTAINER" "super-admin-skz" 001ms
And Add transport by SKApi in "MGW" assigned to "" 021ms
And Set "advice" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_ADVICE" "super-admin-skz" 000ms
And Check is transport "CONTAINER" created in transport table and set transport id 6s 965ms
When Click button advice in transport table "CONTAINER" 232ms
And Set advice window in schedule in the past 3s 307ms
And Fill advice form 20s 499ms
And Click advice save button to check error message 183ms
Then Check if possible advice alert is displayed 067ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 589ms
The scenario checks if you can correctly edit an advice. After that the correctness of the data that has been sent to the SK API microservice database is also verified.
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "swisskrono-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 2s 968ms
And Set "transport" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_OWN_COLLECTION" "super-admin-skz" 000ms
And Add transport by SKApi in "MGW" assigned to "" 021ms
And Set "advice" inputs from JSON file "EDIT_ADVICE" "super-admin-skz" 000ms
And Check is transport "OWN_COLLECTION" created in transport table and set transport id 7s 133ms
And Create advice by JSON file "CREATE_ADVICE_FOR_OWN_COLLECTION" as "super-admin-skz" with window starts at "07:00" and ends at "08:00" 4s 007ms
And Go to "TRANSPORT_TABLE" 361ms
When Go to transport details "OWN_COLLECTION" 2s 941ms
And Expand advice panel 276ms
And Edit advice in transport details 19s 209ms
And Fill arrival date field 2s 613ms
And Click "save-transport-and-close" save button and wait for form to disappear 30s 264ms
Then Check advice data in database after edition "OWN_COLLECTION" 112ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 850ms
The scenario checks if you can correctly edit an advice. After that the correctness of the data that has been sent to the SK API microservice database is also verified.
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "swisskrono-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 2s 894ms
And Set "transport" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_CONTAINER" "super-admin-skz" 001ms
And Add transport by SKApi in "MGW" assigned to "" 023ms
And Set "advice" inputs from JSON file "EDIT_ADVICE" "super-admin-skz" 000ms
And Check is transport "CONTAINER" created in transport table and set transport id 3s 937ms
And Create advice by JSON file "CREATE_ADVICE_FOR_CONTAINER" as "super-admin-skz" with window starts at "07:00" and ends at "08:00" 4s 515ms
And Go to "TRANSPORT_TABLE" 400ms
When Go to transport details "CONTAINER" 2s 959ms
And Expand advice panel 326ms
And Edit advice in transport details 19s 274ms
And Fill arrival date field 2s 647ms
And Click "save-transport-and-close" save button and wait for form to disappear 30s 164ms
Then Check advice data in database after edition "CONTAINER" 095ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 841ms
The scenario checks if you can correctly edit an advice. After that the correctness of the data that has been sent to the SK API microservice database is also verified.
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "swisskrono-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 2s 811ms
And Set "transport" inputs from JSON file "CREATE_TRANSPORT_ORDER" "super-admin-skz" 000ms
And Add transport by SKApi in "MGW" assigned to "" 028ms
And Set "advice" inputs from JSON file "EDIT_ADVICE" "super-admin-skz" 000ms
And Check is transport "TRANSPORT_ORDER" created in transport table and set transport id 6s 694ms
And Create advice by JSON file "CREATE_ADVICE_FOR_TRANSPORT_ORDER" as "super-admin-skz" with window starts at "07:00" and ends at "08:00" 4s 783ms
And Go to "TRANSPORT_TABLE" 363ms
When Go to transport details "TRANSPORT_ORDER" 3s 047ms
And Expand advice panel 268ms
And Edit advice in transport details 19s 293ms
And Fill arrival date field 2s 631ms
And Click "save-transport-and-close" save button and wait for form to disappear 30s 204ms
Then Check advice data in database after edition "TRANSPORT_ORDER" 091ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 810ms