Project Number Date
ApolloFullRunnerReport apollo-test-2.161 17 wrz 2021, 07:00

Feature Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Feature Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
Set transport order on auction 184 0 0 0 0 184 24 0 24 13m 11s 204ms Passed
Feature Set transport order on auction
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "adama-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-adama" 4s 844ms
And Create transport "CREATE_TRANSPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 091ms
When Fill auction form 16s 105ms
Then Verify that the auction has been added to transport 171ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 606ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "swisskrono-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 7s 934ms
And Create transport "CREATE_SMALLS_IMPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 124ms
When Fill auction form 16s 140ms
Then Verify that the auction has been added to transport 148ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 640ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "adama-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-adama" 2s 582ms
And Create transport "CREATE_TRANSPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 072ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "20000" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 825ms
When If user is login then logout 288ms
And Login as "paa1-carrier" 4s 834ms
And Go to auction offer 1s 656ms
And Accept transport with minimum rate 16s 973ms
Then Check if carrier is assigned to transport 070ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 564ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "adama-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-adama" 2s 713ms
And Create transport "CREATE_TRANSPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 077ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "20000" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 809ms
When If user is login then logout 258ms
And Login as "paa1-carrier" 2s 466ms
And Go to auction offer 1s 629ms
And Reject auction offer 15s 792ms
Then Verify that offer has been removed from transport 15s 072ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 686ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "swisskrono-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 2s 873ms
And Create transport "CREATE_SMALLS_IMPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 116ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "20000" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 802ms
When If user is login then logout 270ms
And Login as "pskza1-carrier" 6s 491ms
And Go to auction offer 2s 684ms
And Reject auction offer 15s 787ms
Then Verify that offer has been removed from transport 15s 090ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 672ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "adama-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-adama" 2s 567ms
And Create transport "CREATE_TRANSPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 054ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "20000" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 910ms
When If user is login then logout 283ms
And Login as "paa1-carrier" 2s 753ms
And Go to auction offer 1s 696ms
And Offer prize above maximum - "20000" 498ms
Then Verify that is not possible to add offer 891ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 660ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "swisskrono-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 2s 630ms
And Create transport "CREATE_SMALLS_IMPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 175ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "20000" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 790ms
When If user is login then logout 501ms
And Login as "pskza1-carrier" 2s 282ms
And Go to auction offer 2s 903ms
And Offer prize above maximum - "20000" 631ms
Then Verify that is not possible to add offer 968ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 671ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "adama-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-adama" 2s 418ms
And Create transport "CREATE_TRANSPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 061ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "20000" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 825ms
And Wait till auction end 1m 58s 015ms
Then Verify that is possible to add auction 129ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 611ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "swisskrono-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 3s 195ms
And Create transport "CREATE_SMALLS_IMPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 109ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "20000" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 817ms
And Wait till auction end 1m 58s 017ms
Then Verify that is possible to add auction 164ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 623ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "paa1-carrier" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-adama" 2s 771ms
And Create transport "CREATE_TRANSPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 314ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "20000" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 837ms
And Go to auction offer 1s 570ms
When Offer "1000" 484ms
Then Verify that offer with "1000" has been added to auction 3s 076ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 651ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "pskza1-carrier" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 2s 548ms
And Create transport "CREATE_SMALLS_IMPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 368ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "20000" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 835ms
And Go to auction offer 1s 515ms
When Offer "1000" 467ms
Then Verify that offer with "1000" has been added to auction 3s 073ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 687ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "pskza1-carrier" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 2s 533ms
And Create transport "CREATE_SMALLS_IMPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 279ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "20000" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 850ms
And Go to auction offer 1s 549ms
When Offer "1000" 446ms
And Verify that offer with "1000" has been added to auction 3s 081ms
Then Go to auction offer 1s 511ms
And Revoke current offer 750ms
And Verify that offer has been revoked 32s 975ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 645ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "pskza1-carrier" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 2s 614ms
And Create transport "CREATE_SMALLS_IMPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 254ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "20000" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 794ms
And Go to auction offer 1s 544ms
When Offer "1000" 499ms
And Verify that offer with "1000" has been added to auction 3s 092ms
Then Go to auction offer 1s 590ms
And Offer "1500" 469ms
And Verify that offer with "1500" has been added to auction 3s 076ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 629ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 000ms
Given Login as "pskza1-carrier" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 2s 742ms
And Create transport "CREATE_SMALLS_IMPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 432ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "20000" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 788ms
And Go to auction offer 1s 540ms
When Offer "1000" 498ms
And Verify that offer with "1000" has been added to auction 3s 071ms
Then Login as "swisskrono-admin" 2s 378ms
And Go to auction details 2s 212ms
And Finish active auction 191ms
And Verify that the transport has no active auction 708ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 645ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "paa1-carrier" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-adama" 2s 513ms
And Create transport "CREATE_TRANSPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 193ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "20000" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 806ms
And Go to auction offer 1s 516ms
When Offer "1000" 476ms
Then Verify that carrier can see current place in auction depending on the "true" role 848ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 668ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 002ms
Given Login as "pskza1-carrier" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 2s 521ms
And Create transport "CREATE_SMALLS_IMPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 311ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "20000" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 789ms
And Go to auction offer 1s 551ms
When Offer "1000" 426ms
Then Verify that carrier can see current place in auction depending on the "false" role 15s 073ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 654ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "pskza1-carrier" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 2s 723ms
And Create transport "CREATE_SMALLS_IMPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 557ms
And Set transport on auction with "500" and "20000" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 796ms
And Go to auction offer 1s 540ms
When Offer "300" 491ms
And Verify that carrier can't add offer to auction 101ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 636ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "adama-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-adama" 2s 473ms
And Create transport "CREATE_TRANSPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 081ms
And Show all transport "false" 000ms
When Go to auction form 1s 594ms
Then Verify carrier selection value "false" 129ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 573ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "alrec-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-alrec" 2s 524ms
And Create transport "CREATE_TRANSPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-alrec" 2s 343ms
And Show all transport "true" 155ms
When Go to auction form 1s 519ms
Then Verify carrier selection value "true" 147ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 593ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "adama-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-adama" 2s 496ms
And Create transport "CREATE_TRANSPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 033ms
When Open transport auction form 435ms
And Select all companies checkbox in transport auction form 178ms
And Unselect company "PAA2" in transport auction form 183ms
And Put transport on auction 15s 462ms
And Open transport auction history 212ms
And Open participants section in transport auction history 151ms
Then Check if unselected "PAA2" is in transport auction history as participant 15s 068ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 621ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "swisskrono-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 2s 817ms
And Create transport "CREATE_SMALLS_IMPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" 2s 131ms
When Open transport auction form 577ms
And Select all companies checkbox in transport auction form 406ms
And Unselect company "PSKZA2" in transport auction form 144ms
And Put transport on auction 15s 403ms
And Open transport auction history 217ms
And Open participants section in transport auction history 159ms
Then Check if unselected "PSKZA2" is in transport auction history as participant 15s 067ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 659ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-varrocrychvald" 262ms
And Create transport "CREATE_TRANSPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-varrocrychvald" 2s 443ms
And Set transport on auction with "1000" and "1500" by JSON file as "super-admin-varrocrychvald" 2s 775ms
And Add a bid "1500" to an auction by JSON file as "pvra1-carrier" for "super-admin-varrocrychvald" 963ms
And Add a bid "1000" to an auction by JSON file as "pvra2-carrier-2" for "super-admin-varrocrychvald" 1s 019ms
When Login as "varrocrychvald-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-varrocrychvald" 4s 466ms
And Show all transport "true" 159ms
And Open transport auction history 1s 239ms
And Pass transport to "2" carrier in auction history 1s 204ms
Then Verify if "REASON" is visible in pass transport modal 080ms
And Confirm pass transport to carrier in pass transport modal 129ms
And Verify that "REASON" in pass transport modal has validation error 1s 062ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 656ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-varrocrychvald" 267ms
And Create transport "CREATE_TRANSPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-varrocrychvald" 16s 167ms
And Set transport on auction with "100" and "300" by JSON file as "super-admin-varrocrychvald" 2s 820ms
And Add a bid "100" to an auction by JSON file as "pvra1-carrier" for "super-admin-varrocrychvald" 1s 098ms
And Add a bid "200" to an auction by JSON file as "pvra2-carrier" for "super-admin-varrocrychvald" 1s 011ms
And Add a bid "300" to an auction by JSON file as "pvra3-carrier" for "super-admin-varrocrychvald" 957ms
When Login as "pvra1-carrier" 3s 781ms
And Check if current position in auction is "1" 626ms
And If user is login then logout 247ms
And Login as "pvra2-carrier" 3s 817ms
And Check if current position in auction is "2" 656ms
And If user is login then logout 455ms
And Login as "pvra3-carrier" 3s 601ms
And Check if current position in auction is "3" 616ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 652ms
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "adama-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-adama" 2s 518ms
And Create transport "CREATE_TRANSPORT" by JSON file as "super-admin-adama" 2s 073ms
And Open transport auction form 428ms
And Select all companies checkbox in transport auction form 157ms
And Unselect company "PAA2" in transport auction form 167ms
And Put transport on auction 15s 487ms
When If user is login then logout 772ms
And Login as "paa1-carrier" 2s 381ms
And Show "TRANSPORT" 235ms
Then Check if transport is "visible" in table of transports 814ms
And If user is login then logout 234ms
And Login as "paa2-carrier" 4s 870ms
And Show "TRANSPORT" 246ms
And Check if transport is "not visible" in table of transports 15s 084ms
After Hooks.deleteTransportAfterTest() 627ms