Project Number Date
ApolloFullRunnerReport apollo-test-1.2 18 cze 2021, 22:11

Tag Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Tag Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
@deleteAnnouncementAfterTest 76 0 0 0 0 76 7 0 7 2m 13s 972ms Passed
View Feature Announcements
Given Login as "neuca-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 974ms
When Go to "ANNOUNCEMENTS_TAB" 122ms
And Go to manage announcements tab 111ms
And Go to add new announcement form 172ms
And Fill announcement form with subject "Nowe ogłoszenie" and content "Treść" for roleGroups "ADMIN,LOGISTICIAN" 319ms
When Send announcement 071ms
Then Verify that announcement with "Nowe ogłoszenie" is present in admin table 222ms
After Hooks.deleteAnnouncementAfterTest() 034ms
View Feature Announcements
Given Login as "neuca-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 1s 556ms
When Go to "ANNOUNCEMENTS_TAB" 108ms
And Go to manage announcements tab 089ms
And Go to add new announcement form 140ms
And Fill announcement form with subject "Ogłoszenie dla ochrony" and content "Treść" for roleGroups "GUARD" 264ms
When Send announcement 055ms
Then Login as "neuca-guard" 1s 410ms
And Verify that announcement with subject "Ogłoszenie dla ochrony" is visible 042ms
Then Login as "neuca-admin" 1s 460ms
And Verify that announcement with subject "Ogłoszenie dla ochrony" is not visible 15s 013ms
After Hooks.deleteAnnouncementAfterTest() 035ms
View Feature Announcements
Given Login as "neuca-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 1s 552ms
When Go to "ANNOUNCEMENTS_TAB" 124ms
And Go to manage announcements tab 108ms
And Go to add new announcement form 158ms
And Fill announcement form with subject "Ogłoszenie dla obserwatora" and content "Treść" for roleGroups "OBSERVER" 278ms
When Send announcement 060ms
Then Login as "neuca-observer" 1s 470ms
And Verify that announcement with subject "Ogłoszenie dla obserwatora" is visible 043ms
Then Login as "neuca-guard" 1s 328ms
And Verify that announcement with subject "Ogłoszenie dla obserwatora" is not visible 15s 032ms
After Hooks.deleteAnnouncementAfterTest() 027ms
View Feature Announcements
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 101ms
And Create announcement by JSON file "CREATE_ANNOUNCEMENT_FOR_WAREHOUSEMAN" as "super-admin-neuca" 034ms
Then Login as "neuca-warehouseman" 1s 366ms
And Verify that announcement tab is open 025ms
And Verify by ID from API that announcement is visible 098ms
And Unwrap announcement 3s 209ms
Then Check if announcement is unwrapping correctly 056ms
And Check if announcement content "Podwyżki dla wszystkich! ąśćżń" and subject "Ogłoszonko dla Magazyniera" is correctly 073ms
Given Login as "neuca-admin" 1s 366ms
And Go to manage announcements tab 091ms
And Edit announcement and change content to "*jednak podwyżek nie będzie - hue hue" 18s 218ms
Then Login as "neuca-warehouseman" 1s 409ms
And Verify by ID from API that announcement is visible 121ms
And Unwrap announcement 3s 229ms
Then Check if announcement is unwrapping correctly 068ms
And Check that announcement has an edit author 162ms
And Check if announcement content is edit correctly "*jednak podwyżek nie będzie - hue hue" 064ms
After Hooks.deleteAnnouncementAfterTest() 038ms
View Feature Announcements
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 111ms
And Login as "neuca-admin" 1s 385ms
And Create announcement by JSON file "CREATE_ANNOUNCEMENT_FOR_WAREHOUSEMAN" as "super-admin-neuca" 041ms
Then Login as "neuca-warehouseman" 1s 333ms
And Verify by ID from API that announcement is visible 097ms
And Check if announcement is wrap 030ms
And Check if announcement has a red mark "announcementOnTheTop" 082ms
And Unwrap announcement 3s 218ms
And Check if announcement is unwrapping correctly 074ms
And Check if announcement content "Podwyżki dla wszystkich! ąśćżń" and subject "Ogłoszonko dla Magazyniera" is correctly 095ms
And Check if text bold and red exclamation mark disappear after reading announcement "announcementOnTheTop" 30s 175ms
Then Refresh page 2s 168ms
And Check if text bold and red exclamation mark disappear after reading announcement "announcementAtTheBottom" 15s 329ms
After Hooks.deleteAnnouncementAfterTest() 025ms
View Feature Announcements
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 115ms
And Create announcement by JSON file "CREATE_ANNOUNCEMENT_FOR_WAREHOUSEMAN" as "super-admin-neuca" 034ms
And Login as "neuca-warehouseman" 1s 406ms
And Check if announcements counter equals "1" 050ms
Then Verify that announcement tab is open 031ms
And Unwrap announcement 3s 228ms
And Check if announcement is unwrapping correctly 075ms
And Check if announcements counter equals "" 031ms
After Hooks.deleteAnnouncementAfterTest() 032ms
View Feature Announcements
Given Login as "neuca-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-neuca" 1s 503ms
When Go to "ANNOUNCEMENTS_TAB" 117ms
And Go to manage announcements tab 108ms
And Go to add new announcement form 153ms
And Fill announcement form with subject "Inglisz anołcment" and content "Bonżur" for roleGroups "ADMIN,LOGISTICIAN" 317ms
And Choose option: announcement english version 143ms
And Send announcement 067ms
Then Verify that english announcement subject and content is required 070ms
When Fill english version announcement form with subject "Inglisz anołcment" and content "Bonżur" 194ms
And Send announcement 041ms
Then Verify that announcement with "Inglisz anołcment" is present in admin table 142ms
After Hooks.deleteAnnouncementAfterTest() 030ms