Project Number Date
ApolloFullRunnerReport apollo-test-2.64 01 lip 2021, 04:35

Tag Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Tag Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
@deleteRegistrationAfterTest 159 0 0 0 0 159 15 0 15 6m 31s 742ms Passed
View Feature Invitation
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 231ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 015ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-skz" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 013ms
And If user is login then logout 280ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-skz" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 558ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-skz" "" 8s 151ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 1s 013ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 154ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 326ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 11s 211ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 492ms
View Feature Invitation
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 248ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 016ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-piast" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 014ms
And If user is login then logout 262ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-piast" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 365ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-piast" "" 7s 470ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 743ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 153ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 195ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 8s 289ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 253ms
View Feature Invitation
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 229ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 012ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-lantmannen" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 012ms
And If user is login then logout 266ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-lantmannen" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 739ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-lantmannen" "" 7s 564ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 1s 006ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 170ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 305ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 7s 532ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 274ms
View Feature Invitation
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-keeeper" 217ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 016ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-keeeper" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 013ms
And If user is login then logout 268ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-keeeper" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 529ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-keeeper" "" 7s 555ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 812ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 157ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 310ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 8s 795ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 183ms
View Feature Invitation
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-alrec" 235ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 015ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-alrec" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 013ms
And If user is login then logout 254ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-alrec" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 637ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-alrec" "" 7s 539ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 862ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 156ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 336ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 7s 352ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 298ms
View Feature Invitation
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 239ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 016ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-piast" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 013ms
And If user is login then logout 263ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-piast" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 392ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-piast" "" 7s 456ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 830ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 336ms
And Wait "5" seconds 5s
And Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 6s 031ms
Then Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-piast" "" 7s 348ms
And Verify that user is redirected to invitation page "" 920ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 309ms
View Feature Invitation
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 227ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 015ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-lantmannen" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 013ms
And If user is login then logout 268ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-lantmannen" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 587ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-lantmannen" "" 7s 579ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 826ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 393ms
And Wait "5" seconds 5s
And Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 4s 667ms
Then Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-lantmannen" "" 7s 507ms
And Verify that user is redirected to invitation page "" 738ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 128ms
View Feature Invitation
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-keeeper" 233ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 017ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-keeeper" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 013ms
And If user is login then logout 291ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-keeeper" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 850ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-keeeper" "" 7s 592ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 957ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 392ms
And Wait "5" seconds 5s
And Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-keeeper" 5s 957ms
Then Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-keeeper" "" 7s 539ms
And Verify that user is redirected to invitation page "" 1s 071ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 344ms
View Feature Invitation
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 221ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 015ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-skz" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 013ms
And If user is login then logout 278ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-skz" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 503ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-skz" "" 7s 545ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 844ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 354ms
And Wait "5" seconds 5s
And Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 8s 046ms
Then Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-skz" "" 7s 637ms
And Verify that user is redirected to invitation page "" 875ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 253ms
View Feature Invitation
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-alrec" 241ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 015ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-alrec" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 014ms
And If user is login then logout 287ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-alrec" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 520ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-alrec" "" 7s 436ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 841ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 358ms
And Wait "5" seconds 5s
And Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-alrec" 4s 781ms
Then Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-alrec" "" 7s 556ms
And Verify that user is redirected to invitation page "" 700ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 230ms
View Feature Invitation
Given Login as "swisskrono-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 2s 708ms
When Create and accept invitation by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 6s 076ms
And Go to "USERS_TAB" 3s 068ms
And Find user "" 2s 646ms
And Change user details "email" to "" 1s 507ms
And Save user details 2s 554ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 469ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 574ms
Then Verify that invitation can't be sent on already used username 368ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 5s 225ms
View Feature Invitation
Given Login as "lantmannen-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 2s 557ms
When Create and accept invitation by JSON file as "super-admin-lantmannen" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 4s 273ms
And Go to "USERS_TAB" 2s 682ms
And Find user "" 2s 694ms
And Change user details "email" to "" 830ms
And Save user details 1s 273ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 471ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 554ms
Then Verify that invitation can't be sent on already used username 229ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 3s 274ms
View Feature Invitation
Given Login as "piast-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 2s 607ms
When Create and accept invitation by JSON file as "super-admin-piast" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 3s 636ms
And Go to "USERS_TAB" 2s 785ms
And Find user "" 2s 664ms
And Change user details "email" to "" 879ms
And Save user details 1s 298ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 464ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 570ms
Then Verify that invitation can't be sent on already used username 306ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 4s 479ms
View Feature Invitation
Given Login as "farmacol-admin" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-farmacol" 6s 997ms
When Create and accept invitation by JSON file as "super-admin-farmacol" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 5s 011ms
And Go to "USERS_TAB" 2s 876ms
And Find user "" 2s 720ms
And Change user details "email" to "" 894ms
And Save user details 1s 650ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 494ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 555ms
Then Verify that invitation can't be sent on already used username 427ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 6s 106ms
View Feature Invitation
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 239ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 014ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-piast" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 013ms
And If user is login then logout 302ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-piast" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 339ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-piast" "" 7s 646ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 298ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 614ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 391ms
Given Login as "super-admin-piast" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 5s 871ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 555ms
Then Go to "ACCEPTED_TAB" invitation status tab 296ms
And Invitation is displayed on list "" 446ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 4s 327ms