Project Number Date
ApolloFullRunnerReport apollo-test-2.106 05 sie 2021, 05:40

Tag Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Tag Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
@deleteRegistrationAfterTest 189 0 0 0 0 189 18 0 18 7m 51s 999ms Passed
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 220ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 015ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-skz" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 014ms
And If user is login then logout 247ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-skz" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 629ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-skz" "" 7s 754ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 1s 032ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 152ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 197ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 11s 781ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 222ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 251ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 013ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-piast" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 014ms
And If user is login then logout 228ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-piast" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 463ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-piast" "" 7s 590ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 836ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 154ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 330ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 8s 174ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 039ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 010ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 223ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 015ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-lantmannen" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 013ms
And If user is login then logout 262ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-lantmannen" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 688ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-lantmannen" "" 7s 596ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 935ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 156ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 210ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 7s 150ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 864ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-keeeper" 288ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 014ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-keeeper" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 014ms
And If user is login then logout 203ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-keeeper" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 462ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-keeeper" "" 7s 455ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 928ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 160ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 200ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 8s 934ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 047ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-alrec" 224ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 015ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-alrec" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 014ms
And If user is login then logout 451ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-alrec" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 449ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-alrec" "" 7s 573ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 851ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 178ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 187ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 6s 920ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 970ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-pgf" 235ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 014ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-pgf" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 015ms
And If user is login then logout 429ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-pgf" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 162ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-pgf" "" 7s 596ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 907ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 152ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 253ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 6s 593ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 935ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skd" 227ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 012ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-skd" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 012ms
And If user is login then logout 481ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-skd" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 296ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-skd" "" 7s 435ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 991ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 162ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 078ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 7s 467ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 958ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-hochland" 213ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 013ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-hochland" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 013ms
And If user is login then logout 465ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-hochland" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 2s 414ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-hochland" "" 7s 446ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 910ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 159ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 237ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 11s 733ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 074ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 234ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 017ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-piast" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 014ms
And If user is login then logout 461ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-piast" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 394ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-piast" "" 7s 588ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 832ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 231ms
And Wait "5" seconds 5s
And Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 6s 060ms
Then Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-piast" "" 7s 444ms
And Verify that user is redirected to invitation page "" 949ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 078ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 227ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 017ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-lantmannen" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 013ms
And If user is login then logout 487ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-lantmannen" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 544ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-lantmannen" "" 7s 748ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 849ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 368ms
And Wait "5" seconds 5s
And Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 4s 581ms
Then Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-lantmannen" "" 7s 396ms
And Verify that user is redirected to invitation page "" 772ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 928ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-keeeper" 218ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 017ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-keeeper" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 013ms
And If user is login then logout 279ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-keeeper" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 553ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-keeeper" "" 7s 709ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 865ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 179ms
And Wait "5" seconds 5s
And Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-keeeper" 5s 387ms
Then Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-keeeper" "" 7s 430ms
And Verify that user is redirected to invitation page "" 1s 158ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 026ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 238ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 015ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-skz" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 015ms
And If user is login then logout 294ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-skz" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 627ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-skz" "" 7s 615ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 854ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 216ms
And Wait "5" seconds 5s
And Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 8s 121ms
Then Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-skz" "" 7s 567ms
And Verify that user is redirected to invitation page "" 967ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 258ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-alrec" 250ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 015ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-alrec" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 015ms
And If user is login then logout 234ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-alrec" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 585ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-alrec" "" 7s 374ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 774ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 3s 671ms
And Wait "5" seconds 5s
And Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-alrec" 4s 562ms
Then Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-alrec" "" 7s 287ms
And Verify that user is redirected to invitation page "" 795ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 957ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "super-admin-skz" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 8s 279ms
When Create and accept invitation by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 5s 863ms
And Go to "USERS_TAB" 3s 090ms
And Find user "" 2s 673ms
And Change user details "email" to "" 1s 247ms
And Save user details 2s 678ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 477ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 474ms
Then Verify that invitation can't be sent on already used username 371ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 5s 132ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "super-admin-lantmannen" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 5s 199ms
When Create and accept invitation by JSON file as "super-admin-lantmannen" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 4s 185ms
And Go to "USERS_TAB" 2s 831ms
And Find user "" 2s 793ms
And Change user details "email" to "" 842ms
And Save user details 1s 271ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 427ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 452ms
Then Verify that invitation can't be sent on already used username 237ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 2s 908ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "super-admin-piast" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 6s 069ms
When Create and accept invitation by JSON file as "super-admin-piast" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 3s 824ms
And Go to "USERS_TAB" 2s 853ms
And Find user "" 2s 913ms
And Change user details "email" to "" 878ms
And Save user details 1s 319ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 482ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 433ms
Then Verify that invitation can't be sent on already used username 377ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 4s 170ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "super-admin-farmacol" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-farmacol" 9s 487ms
When Create and accept invitation by JSON file as "super-admin-farmacol" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 5s 165ms
And Go to "USERS_TAB" 2s 956ms
And Find user "" 2s 762ms
And Change user details "email" to "" 971ms
And Save user details 1s 725ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 504ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 463ms
Then Verify that invitation can't be sent on already used username 530ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 5s 707ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 002ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 225ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 016ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-piast" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 011ms
And If user is login then logout 295ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-piast" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 391ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-piast" "" 7s 615ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 279ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 629ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 225ms
Given Login as "super-admin-piast" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 2s 757ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 511ms
Then Go to "ACCEPTED_TAB" invitation status tab 305ms
And Invitation is displayed on list "" 443ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 4s 194ms