Project Number Date
ApolloFullRunnerReport apollo-test-2.149 08 wrz 2021, 06:16

Tag Report

Steps Scenarios Features
Tag Passed Failed Skipped Pending Undefined Total Passed Failed Total Duration Status
@deleteRegistrationAfterTest 189 0 0 0 0 189 18 0 18 8m 2s 659ms Passed
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 230ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 093ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-skz" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 090ms
And If user is login then logout 253ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-skz" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 666ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-skz" "" 7s 890ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 1s 043ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 156ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 227ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 11s 679ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 167ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 251ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 099ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-piast" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 090ms
And If user is login then logout 531ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-piast" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 422ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-piast" "" 7s 524ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 868ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 154ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 297ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 8s 082ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 100ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 219ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 084ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-lantmannen" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 077ms
And If user is login then logout 539ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-lantmannen" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 613ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-lantmannen" "" 7s 621ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 870ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 163ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 301ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 7s 157ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 958ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-keeeper" 225ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 097ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-keeeper" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 091ms
And If user is login then logout 275ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-keeeper" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 482ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-keeeper" "" 7s 676ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 903ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 173ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 208ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 8s 869ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 008ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 002ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-alrec" 224ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 090ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-alrec" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 089ms
And If user is login then logout 278ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-alrec" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 478ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-alrec" "" 7s 532ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 797ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 168ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 223ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 6s 856ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 949ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-pgf" 229ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 090ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-pgf" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 089ms
And If user is login then logout 257ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-pgf" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 084ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-pgf" "" 7s 487ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 935ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 177ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 3s 482ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 6s 598ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 954ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skd" 238ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 090ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-skd" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 087ms
And If user is login then logout 629ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-skd" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 313ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-skd" "" 7s 562ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 985ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 169ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 209ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 7s 272ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 947ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-hochland" 231ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 090ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-hochland" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 091ms
And If user is login then logout 232ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-hochland" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 2s 315ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-hochland" "" 7s 482ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 978ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 181ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 172ms
Then Check if user can be logged "" 11s 623ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 214ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 250ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 089ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-piast" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 088ms
And If user is login then logout 1s 059ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-piast" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 391ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-piast" "" 7s 478ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 777ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 385ms
And Wait "5" seconds 5s
And Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 6s 038ms
Then Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-piast" "" 7s 436ms
And Verify that user is redirected to invitation page "" 983ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 188ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 215ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 093ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-lantmannen" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 093ms
And If user is login then logout 280ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-lantmannen" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 455ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-lantmannen" "" 7s 558ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 795ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 308ms
And Wait "5" seconds 5s
And Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 4s 524ms
Then Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-lantmannen" "" 7s 579ms
And Verify that user is redirected to invitation page "" 809ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 925ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-keeeper" 232ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 086ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-keeeper" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 084ms
And If user is login then logout 587ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-keeeper" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 488ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-keeeper" "" 7s 485ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 900ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 372ms
And Wait "5" seconds 5s
And Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-keeeper" 5s 475ms
Then Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-keeeper" "" 7s 634ms
And Verify that user is redirected to invitation page "" 1s 032ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 060ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 239ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 092ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-skz" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 093ms
And If user is login then logout 242ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-skz" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 738ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-skz" "" 7s 239ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 764ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 3s 718ms
And Wait "5" seconds 5s
And Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 7s 990ms
Then Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-skz" "" 7s 467ms
And Verify that user is redirected to invitation page "" 1s 128ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 1s 087ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-alrec" 235ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 087ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-alrec" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 093ms
And If user is login then logout 281ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-alrec" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 462ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-alrec" "" 7s 533ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 733ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 308ms
And Wait "5" seconds 5s
And Login as "" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-alrec" 4s 663ms
Then Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-alrec" "" 7s 608ms
And Verify that user is redirected to invitation page "" 742ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 982ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "super-admin-skz" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-skz" 8s 265ms
When Create and accept invitation by JSON file as "super-admin-skz" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 7s 064ms
And Go to "USERS_TAB" 3s 337ms
And Find user "" 3s 652ms
And Change user details "email" to "" 1s 072ms
And Save user details 2s 681ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 510ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 868ms
Then Verify that invitation can't be sent on already used username 362ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 4s 770ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "super-admin-lantmannen" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-lantmannen" 5s 038ms
When Create and accept invitation by JSON file as "super-admin-lantmannen" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 5s 295ms
And Go to "USERS_TAB" 2s 899ms
And Find user "" 3s 728ms
And Change user details "email" to "" 883ms
And Save user details 1s 351ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 486ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 798ms
Then Verify that invitation can't be sent on already used username 230ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 2s 781ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "super-admin-piast" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 5s 819ms
When Create and accept invitation by JSON file as "super-admin-piast" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 4s 711ms
And Go to "USERS_TAB" 2s 856ms
And Find user "" 3s 684ms
And Change user details "email" to "" 882ms
And Save user details 1s 331ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 493ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 870ms
Then Verify that invitation can't be sent on already used username 362ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 3s 938ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Login as "super-admin-farmacol" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-farmacol" 8s 706ms
When Create and accept invitation by JSON file as "super-admin-farmacol" for "" "CREATE_CARRIER_INVITATION" 6s 089ms
And Go to "USERS_TAB" 3s 042ms
And Find user "" 3s 671ms
And Change user details "email" to "" 943ms
And Save user details 1s 757ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 494ms
And Create invitation for "new" user "CARRIER" "CARRIER" "" "notFromPoland" 2s 864ms
Then Verify that invitation can't be sent on already used username 484ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 4s 577ms
View Feature Invitation
Before Hooks.showScenarioName(Scenario) 001ms
Given Set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 265ms
And Delete invitations with email "" 102ms
And Change tax id in existing companies with given tax id number "super-admin-piast" in JSON "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 097ms
And If user is login then logout 239ms
And Create invitation by JSON file "super-admin-piast" for "" "CREATE_SUPPLIER_INVITATION" 1s 512ms
When Mock invitation email by admin panel "super-admin-piast" "" 7s 598ms
And Verify that user is redirected to registration page 271ms
And Fill tax id registration page "byJSON" 539ms
And Register to application "SUPPLIER" 4s 482ms
Given Login as "super-admin-piast" and set token of apiUsername "super-admin-piast" 2s 755ms
When Go to "INVITATIONS_TAB" 494ms
Then Go to "ACCEPTED_TAB" invitation status tab 267ms
And Invitation is displayed on list "" 449ms
After Hooks.cleanUpAfterTest() 4s 178ms